Mix up a wet, pourable puddle of the following colors; Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Sap Green and ultramarine blue. Using a flat 3/4 to 1" brush, paint stripes of each color. Let them dry.
* Click on the videos to see them enlarged
As it dries, use another piece of paper to cast a shadow over half of your strips of color. Notice how the colors change... they are less intense now and darker in value.
To each color puddle on your palette, add in a little bit of Payne's Gray or Neutral Tint to darken them. Test your darker color out on scrap paper first then once you feel like it is close to the shadow color, paint it over part of your color strip. This creates darker versions of your colors that can be used as shadow sides of an object.
*The process of painting over one dry layer of color with another one to darken it is called, "glazing." Note: Adding complimentary colors (those that are opposite of a color on a color wheel), can also be used to darken your colors and tone them down. We will learn all about color wheels and their practical uses next week. |
This lesson involves a little bit of basic perspective. But not to worry, we'll keep it simple.